Wednesday, September 20, 2017


If you have to toss a coin to determine if a woman is hitting on you or not, then she's probably not hitting on you. It could also be that your hitting-on antenna is defective and not able to pick up signals. Some people miss both weak signals and sledgehammer hints.
Your boosted antenna should be able to scan and pick up hitting-on signals within a 100 miles radius after reading this. Let's get started. Here are some unmistakable signs that a woman has interest in you.
She's nervous when you meet like a smitten kitten. Purrs like a cat or smiles like an idiot. She laughs at even the hint of a joke. We all know you're not that funny. That’s how attraction works. Still keep your day job. Don't quit and venture into comedy.
She remembers stuff you tell her. She knows your moods and has a frown when you're down. She puts a lot of thought into your happiness and enjoys spending time with you. Open the window occasionally when you're together to let in some air. This will prevent both of you from choking on the strong fragrance of this attraction.
She tells you about the important stuff in her life and wants your opinion. She values your opinion on the deep fundamental questions of life. Coke or Pepsi?
It is not always about money. Her birthday doesn't come up twice every year with over-the-top celebrations that puts your bank account in the red.
There's body contact when communicating. She touches you when talking or making a point. Wants to hold hands. She often says 'we' in conversations about the future because you're now an unbeatable tag team. You're ideal teammates and potential champions in the WWE tag team professional wrestling category.
She's conscious of her appearance. Makes that extra effort to impress you. Puts some thought into her outfits and wants to look good knowing that you're going to meet. She wore the same skirt for an entire week because you said you like it.
She is a personal champion for you and your goals. She's proud of you and showers you with praise when you succeed. She goes on and on and on about you. Her best friends and family members are sick and tired of hearing about this awesome person. Enough already!
Congratulations! You have now completed your basic signals training. You have unlocked the seven signs of attraction. Now, go out with your optimized antenna. Your true love awaits.