Thursday, August 31, 2017


We all probably have that one friend who disappears until he or she has a need. When Mike (not real name) calls I know he wants me to do a favor for him. He is constant through the seasons, unashamed and unbridled. I’m the sucker for always saying yes.
“Hello?” I said.
“Need your urgent help.” He spoke in a rush this time. Some of his words indistinct. The background noise did not help either. Loud music and lots of people talking at the same time. Was he at a party? I gathered he was broke again and living in topsy-turvy times. Life had taken a dark, dingy direction. He was behind on his rent. There was a list of endless calamities that had befallen him.
I tell him to calm down. He seemed about to lose his mind if he hadn’t lost it already.

“You’ve got to keep saying ‘yes’ when life says ‘no’. Find the positives to balance out the negatives,” I said.
“Words of wisdom are good. However, what I need right now is urgent financial help. Like right now. Nothing is too small.”

He clearly didn’t care for my nuggets of wisdom about life. That only added to his litany of woes and the many closed doors he faced. I didn’t have what he wanted from me though. I had just paid for a competitive and expensive course. But I promised to call back in a couple of minutes. Let’s see what I could do.
I waited for him to end the call. He thought I had ended the call. The background noise became clearer and I knew where he was. He was at his favorite Seaside Bar. I heard him chatting with the bartender and having a good time.
“Is your friend going to send the money?” An unknown female voice asked.
“Easy as ABC. Of course he will. That’s how I sort out my financials.” I had a mental picture of him winking at her and she laughed.
“Everything’s on me tonight. A round of drinks for everyone.”
I end the call and took a five-minute break to gather my wits and compose myself. Then I called him back.
“Did you need my bank account details?” he asked.
“This is Easy Financials. Easy as ABC…this bank is closed tonight,” I told him and switched off my phone.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017



We are not born with a shame of nudity. It is something we learn to conform and operate in human society. Animals are naked, even though some have furs, scales and feathers, but human beings are ashamed of being naked. We perceive it as a bad thing and avoid it. Society prohibits it.
Interviews are often nerve-wracking experiences but my most memorable and comfortable job interview was when I wore my birthday suit. I probably should have more interviews in the buff. I was relaxed and open during the entire session. I had sent a job application to a company and completed an online profile questionnaire. I was told to expect their call at any moment. In anticipation of this call, I went everywhere with my phone including the bathroom.

It was a Tuesday morning when the call came. I was having a shower and covered in soap suds when my phone started ringing. I immediately recognized the phone number. There was no time to rinse off the soap bubbles and towel-dry. I stepped out of the shower at full tilt and picked the call. The recruiting agent introduced himself and we exchanged preliminary greetings. I was without a stitch and water dripped down my unclad body. He gave me the lowdown on the role and how the company operates. I didn’t think it necessary to mention that I was stark-naked.
Recruiter: Is this a good time for you to have a formal interview? I’d like to ask you some quick questions based on the résumé you submitted.
Me: Absolutely. Go ahead.

I didn’t feel vulnerable in the raw. I was actually divested of any clothing discomfort. There couldn’t have been a better time.

Recruiter: Tell me about yourself.
He asked and so I unveiled myself to him bare-skinned. I got the job.

Friday, August 11, 2017



I began to hate Judith when she turned fifteen and grew breasts the size of watermelons. She is now eighteen and dashes about the tenement house in skimpy clothes. She talks loud in their single-room apartment so everyone can be tormented by the sound of her shrill, teenage voice. A cloud of bewitching fragrance follows in her wake when she walks down the passage.
Judith is my co-tenant’s daughter in our face-me-I-face-you apartment building. A housing system in which single rooms are built in two rows with a passage in-between that leads to the back of the house. Amenities like the kitchen and bathrooms are communal and located at the rear of the building.
The only child of her single mother, Judith draws the attention of the male gaze in the compound. The men whistle at her firm backside and seem disoriented by her coquettish charm. I am convinced the slip of a girl is trying to seduce my husband. Nobody else sees anything wrong when she gives him effusive welcome greetings as he comes back from the office.  
Welcome, sir. Good evening, sir. How was work, sir?
His eyes linger on her provocative hips for far too long, all the while grinning like an idiot. Judith genuflects to greet him in low cut revealing tops. Teasing my husband with her lovely, perky breasts. Her garish hair and makeup belie the childlike innocence of the teenager. 
The final straw was the dream I had last night. The power to dream lucid dreams that foretell the future is not given to everyone. With great power comes great responsibility. I must therefore act now and decisively too.
In the dream, Judith kissed my husband as they embraced under the shade of a mango tree. She stood tall with long black hair, round face, dimpled cheeks, pretty smile, and perfectly shaped eyebrows. Her black, body-hugging top, which clung to her body like a second skin, showed off her ample bust. It was slutty fashion as far as I was concerned. Brothel style. She had both arms around his neck and crushed her voluptuous bosom against him. She only broke away when my shadow fell across them. As soon as she saw me, her greeting formed, but I choked it off before it could depart her lips. My face a gathering of nimbus clouds.
A hot searing pain went through my heart. It robbed me of my breath for some seconds. Sometimes in life we are sorely tested. I showed my clean palms to the clear blue sky; silent witness to this affront.
In my dream, she eventually stole my man and took over my matrimonial home. Heaven knows I won’t allow this happen in reality. In the physical realm, I knew I had to be one step ahead of my foe. That’s the reason I got a bottle of acid this morning. I wait for the wench in the passage with a predator's patience. I hum and pretend to adjust our white linen door curtain. As soon as she steps out of their room, smiling as usual like a demon from hell, I’d whip out the acid and douse her with it. Then watch her beautiful skin burn and melt before my eyes.

Monday, August 7, 2017

My First Formal Interview

My First Formal Interview
It was my first formal interview after graduation. I had done my research on the company. I knew their products and services like I knew the words of my favorite song. I got there early and sat in the waiting hall for about an hour.

The three interviewers in the interrogation room wore formal dark suits. They introduced themselves, talked a bit about the institution, asked me a few polite ‘hope you had no trouble parking’ questions and then launched straight into it. I was well-groomed and gave everyone a firm handshake. I sat up straight, shoulders back, head high. I maintained eye contact during the entire process. I don’t think I even blinked. In hindsight, that must have come across as weird. My expensive cologne was, however, my masterstroke. They may not have seen me coming but they certainly could smell my presence.  

Thirty minutes of grueling interview by the panel of three, including the branch manager, and I was looking good — if I do say so myself. The branch manager was in his late forties and looked ex-military. He fired a salvo of questions like rapid machine gun fire and I waltzed through them. Then he got a dark glint in his eye and pulled out his big gun. As they say, all good things must come to an end.

“Here,” he said, giving me sheets of paper, glue and scissors. “Can you make us animals out of paper shapes? Show us an elephant and a lion.”

“Are you kidding me?” I thought.  I had a feeling it was a trick question. “I don’t know how to make animals out of paper shapes.” I said.

Two minutes ago, I was doing so fine. I felt a film of sweat on my forehead. My hands trembled, my confidence dipped and I felt my panic levels rise. The manager shook his head and gave me that “You don’t look like you can work in this organization” facial expression. 

I veered off the good road and went over the embankment. My confidence level hit rock bottom. I stumbled on every other question after that. I even lost my voice and asked for a drink of water. It was pathetic.

At the end of the drill, the manager shook hands with me, thanked me, said the traditional they would "be in touch." I constantly replayed every minute of the interview session over and over in my mind. The paper shapes question threw me out of kilter for the rest of the interview. My interviewers had worked the latch, pushed the door open, and shoved me back into the labor market.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Can You Read Minds?

Can You Read Minds?

I still need to hone my mind-reading skills. To peer into the mind of others, one needs to understand the meaning of their words and monitor the tone and cadence of speech. Facial expression and body language are also important. However, our minds often filters such information through our biases and we can miss the cues completely.

I was hiking on a trail recently. It worked its way through the trees offering beautiful views along the way of a large lake. The winding trail and trees prevented me from seeing the young couple ahead of me, but I could hear their laughter and interesting dialogue. Their conversation had sexual undertones flashing like a neon sign all over it.

Her: Why do you have such a small one?

Him: It's not the size that matters...

Her: That's some consolation. It won't last more than two minutes and you know it.

Him: That depends on the weather, doesn’t it?

Her: (laughing) What's the weather got to do with anything?

Him: We tend to drink more water when the weather is hot.

I hurried up the trail and came upon the pair. They were part of a hiking party and were talking about his small, plastic water bottle. Whatever undertone I had earlier sensed from the components of their conversation was a figment of my own imagination.